All posts by Marc Cornelius


They haven’t yet spotted the quarry – whatever it might be – but are very keen to get on with the hunt.

For the second year running the Tiverton Staghounds have had the start of their Boxing Day meet at the Town Arms.

Tiverton Staghounds leaving the Town Arms
Tiverton Staghounds leaving the Town Arms

North Devon District Council Holidays

This snippet comes from the NDDC website:

“All North Devon Council offices will be closed from 2pm on Christmas Eve until Monday 5 January. Due to some major IT works during that period, the council website will be unavailable and we won’t be able to send or receive emails. Some online serviceswill still be available and in a genuine council-related emergency, you can call our emergency out of office number on 01271 388240.”

I don’t know about you, but I expect public services like the District Council to be working over the Christmas period.  I’m also astounded that they are having major IT works done then – I believe that they are relocating their central computer system from the Civic Centre to another of their offices. When I worked for BT all such work was embargoed over the Christmas period because if there were any problems they were far more difficult to get fixed.


True to their Word

Western Power had a very low flying helicopter out this morning checking the power lines around South Molton following last Saturday’s power cut. I missed getting a picture of that, but I did see one of their landrovers parked in Alswear New Road this afternoon.

Western Power Landrover




Nasty PotholeI hope that cyclists manage to avoid this rather nasty pothole near the leisure centre in Barnstaple. I’ve reported it on the Devon County Council website and it’s been given the reference number W14756109. I wonder how long it will take DCC to fix it?

Plastic Bags

This is one of the reasons that people think  plastic bags should be banned – that and the fact that they don’t ever biodegrade. Actually this isn’t quite true. UV rays can break the big bits of plastic down into smaller pieces which contain toxic chemicals.

Plastic Bags



Western Power

I rang Western Power on Saturday morning because the power went out.

I have to say that their call centre (on 0800 6783195) were very helpful indeed and luckily their estimated time to restore power was wrong – it was only off for 13 minutes rather than the estimated three hours.  The supervisor gave me a call back to say what was happening and I also received a text message on my landline.

I asked for a written response to explain why we constantly get short duration outages and was amazed to receive a this morning.

Well done Western Power for such good customer service.  Let’s just hope you can put your line plant underground.  This should stop these mini-outages and  improve the streetscapes of South Molton immeasurably.

People may say that these mini-outages – often less than ten seconds – aren’t a big issue, but if you use computers,  or many other forms of electronic equipment, they’re a very big issue. They’re the reason I spent a fair amount of money recently to buy an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).