How did the Parties do?

This a table of how the parties fared in the local elections.

Party Councillors Seats
Conservative 3,564 -1,330
Labour 2,021 -84
Liberal Democrat 1,351 +704
Green 265 +194
UKIP 31 -145
Others 1,178 +661

It seems pretty clear to me that the big losers were the Conservatives and UKIP. Labour not so much. On the other hand I am not a  psephologist, so what do I know.

The winners were the Lib Dems, Greens and Independents.

Possibly I’m interpreting the figures in a very biased way. But they don’t strike me as being as what one would expect if there were a pro-Brexit vote. After all, the two big winners – the Lib-Dems and the Greens – are anti Brexit. Of course, it’s impossible to determine the views of the many successful independents.

Having said that, national politics shouldn’t rear its ugly head at the local level , but it does.

The things that I heard most complaints about whilst campaigning (e.g. parking, inappropriate over-development, the state of the roads) can be laid squarely at the door of central government. Planning policies set by central government have largely determined parking spaces that new builds have to provide. Changes to parking restrictions (yellow lines for example) are, to a very large extent, determined by available funding. Of course, there is also no money to maintain roads.

According to the Local Government Association local councils would have lost almost 60% of their central government funding between 2010 and 2020.

The other big issue was (as ever) dog poo. Apparently it’s a big problem in South Molton. Has it always been a big issue? Are dogs starting to poo more ? Fewer owners picking up? Or, as I rather suspect, are there a few more owners who don’t give a damn!

Beggars Belief

This is what Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State said at the Arctic Council accord in Finland:

“Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade,” he said. “This could potentially slash the  time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days.”

He’s quite right of course. But forgets to mention the many downsides: the flooding of much of the East coast of the States (and many other coastal cites around the world), the disappearance of many Pacific Island nations.

On the plus side Mar-a-Lago would disappear under water. Unfortunately Trump with his Yuuuuuuge brain would probably survive.



Town Council Results

South Molton – Twelve Seats 

Surname First Names Description Number of Votes
BUSHELL Matthew Thomas Liberal Democrats 783 ELECTED
CORNELIUS Marc Peter Independent 627 ELECTED
CRAIGIE James Andrew Labour Party 217
FOOTMAN Jacqui Liberal Democrats 677 ELECTED
HENDERSON Paul John Independent Candidate 815 ELECTED
HERNIMAN Ron Independent 559 ELECTED
HINCHLIFFE Steven Labour Party 354
HULLAND Mark Terence Independent 977 ELECTED
KING Terry Independent 551 ELECTED
KINGDON Martin James Independent 706 ELECTED
LOCK Christine Elizabeth   516 ELECTED
LOCK Stephen William Independent 599 ELECTED
NICHOLAS Sarah Jane Labour Party 270
WAY Mervyn Fredrick   961 ELECTED
WORDEN David John Liberal Democrats 907 ELECTED
Spoilt papers: 14 Percent Turnout 41.53%


District Results

South Molton – Three Seats

Surname First Names Description Number of Votes
BUSHELL Matthew Thomas Liberal Democrats 657 ELECTED
CORNELIUS Marc Peter Independent 402
CROFT Emily Jane Conservative Party Candidate 468
FOOTMAN Jacqui Liberal Democrats 489
HENDERSON Paul John Conservative Party Candidate 637 ELECTED
HINCHLIFFE Steven Labour Party 236
KING Terry Conservative Party Candidate 413
NICHOLAS Sarah Jane Labour Party 143
SAUNDERS Gill Green Party 202
WORDEN David John Liberal Democrats 807 ELECTED
Spoilt papers: 17 Percent Turnout: 41.43%


E-mail Scam


I received the above email this morning.

It had me worried for a moment, but then I realised it must be some form of scam.

It purports to ben e-mail from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). But if you look at the e-mail address it came from (circled in red at the top) it becomes clear that the e-mail certainly didn’t come from the CPS. Their e-mail addresses would be in the form  and they don’t send e-mails to the general public.

Further clues to the fact that this is not a genuine e-mail can be seen in the other outlined areas.

Something is either mandatory or it isn’t. No native English speaker would use the expression “extremely mandatory”.

The CPS would also almost certainly talk about a “witness summons” rather than a subpoena. Particularly given that the use of Latin phrases in the English (and Welsh) legal systems has been phased out.

County Courts generally only deal with civil matters which wouldn’t involve the CPS.

Both the domain of the sender’s e-mail address and the link that the “Start Time and Case Details” button refers to are registered to an individual who lives in Belarus. This person uses a Gmail address for their contact details.

Hardly likely to be an e-mail from a government department.

I’ve reported it to both the police and the CPS.

One of the advantages of using a laptop rather a smartphone for reading e-mail is that it’s easier to spot such scams.

For example, the dodgy e-mail address doesn’t appear on an iPhone. However it can easily be seen when using a mainstream e-mail programme (e.g. Outlook) on a laptop. Similarly the dodgy link can’t be seen on the smartphone but can be seen when using Outlook on a laptop. Just ‘hovering’ the cursor over the link shows what the web link actually is.

One-Way Ticket

Voting to leave the EU is effectively a one-way ticket.

If we vote to Remain we could still leave some time in the future.

A Leave vote is essentially a one-way ticket.

The only good thing about a vote to Leave would be the chance that it might shut up Farage and his ilk.

Unfortunately I suspect that wouldn’t be the case, and we’d be left with a different version of his toxic politics and would lose peace, power and prosperity.

“Twas brillig, and the slithy goves.
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borisgoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe”

A vote for Leave leads us into fantasy land.






The Truly Independent Councillor

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